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I am a granddaughter, a daughter, a sister and a wife. I enjoy every minute of my life, through tough and easy, scary and happy. My life is my life and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Thoughts - Beautiful Sight

Posted on 4:42 PM by Samantha | 0 comments

Eyes are an organ. They are vital organs that allow us to see. We see objects, we see circumstance, we see people. Seeing creates emotion, and without emotion we are not people. We use them to speak to people, to see where we are going, to eat, to feel. When we close them, we fall asleep, when we open them, we awake. We absorb information through reading and watching TV and movies - all with our eyes. If we didn't have eyes, it would be more difficult to assess people, to dress, to read, to understand. Eyes are important to human kind -to live and survive.
In caveman times, eyes were used for the ultimate survival - to find and catch food, and to see danger. Without eyes, they wouldn't have lived very long.
When you think about it, eyes are very important. They help you live everyday life - to me, they are vital.
It's mind boggling to know that something that can be so important to daily living can be so beautiful? Eyes are the focal point of the face, they are different colours, different shapes and sizes. For a lot of people, eyes are their primary feature. Eyes can attract, distract, turn on, turn off, judge or love. Eyes show emotion, show the depths of your soul. How are we so perfectly formed? All our features are used for a vital function, however, they serve to make us more beautiful. Perhaps it is a creater larger than us, or perhaps it is society, and the develoment of human kind. To those scientists out there, who would believe that it just happened this way, that there is a scientific explaination for it all. However, I believe that it is just a peice of the puzzle. A puzzle bigger than me, than you, than everything.


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